Nisha, Wilhelm, and I authored the book “The Secrets of AI Value Creation” in response to a growing concern: many AI practitioners are struggling to derive value from their organization’s investments in AI technology. Our conversations with AI professionals over recent years have increasingly centered on the challenges of AI value creation. A key issue is that many experts tend to focus on only a few aspects of the value creation process.
To address this, we developed a comprehensive framework that encompasses technology, algorithmics, business, data, and psychology. Drawing on our combined experience, we crafted an approach that underscores the importance of fully understanding AI's value potential, overcoming the obstacles to AI value creation, leading enterprise integration effectively, and harnessing the diverse capabilities necessary for successful AI deployment.
This approach struck a chord with many leading figures in the field, prompting us to invite several of them to share their personal experiences and insights across the book’s 14 chapters.
-Michael Proksch